Hailing from New Rochelle, New York, and currently residing in Athens, Georgia, Michael A. Strother, widely known as "Michael Anthony," stands as the visionary behind Side Hustle University. With an impressive legacy spanning over 35 years in the music industry, Michael has left an indelible mark.
His prolific career includes producing songs for esteemed artists like Dionne Warwick, Phillip Michael Thomas, Whistle, Kashif and the New Music Group, Izora Armstead of the Weather Girls, Kut Klose, Pure Soul, and Lisa Left Eye Lopes. Notably, Michael achieved multi-platinum status as a songwriter/producer with the Columbia Recording Group BLAQUE.
For the last 15-years, Michael has written, produced and recorded thousands of radio ads for radio stations and agencies. Michael has a multitude of characters he’s created with his voice and has a unique perspective on the creation of commercial copy. At the age of 24, Michael ascended Stone Mountain in Georgia, carving his ultimate goal directly into the stone. A resolute commitment to creating over Ten Thousand Millionaires before and after his passing.
Despite encountering setbacks, Michael discerned a recurring element of power leading him to opportunities, albeit with unexpected turns. Recognizing his mastery of the visualization process, he witnessed its transformation into reality. Through a journey of self-discovery, Michael unlocked the potential of SMART goal setting. This profound revelation illuminated the reason why conventional employment yields mostly a consistent paycheck while venturing into self-employment often results in deprivation. However, staying steadfast with completing SMART Goals, can yield millions of dollars in income.
Armed with transformative knowledge, Michael is poised to fulfill his ambition of creating over Ten Thousand Millionaires. The question now stands: Are you ready to be part of that extraordinary number?
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